**nano JAMMER**
**Fantasy Console Specification**
**by [Casual Effects](https://casual-effects.com)**
The [**nano ᴊᴀᴍᴍᴇʀ**](../index.html) is a fantasy console for
tiny games. It is perfect for hobby coding, a game programming
course, and tweetjams.
The nano integrated development environment is free, runs in a browser, and connects to Google
Drive. So, you can turn a few spare minutes on any computer or tablet into productive coding time.
The nano programming language is designed to make short, readable programs. Indentation and
newlines signify blocks and ends of statements. The syntax is based on math notation and looks
like pseudocode.

Virtual Hardware Features:
- 64x64 pixel main screen (optional 128x128 or 256x256)
- 64x8 pixel status bar screen (optional 128x16 or 256x32)
- 32 colors
- 60 fps
- 128 built-in sprites
- 80 built-in sound effects
- Nine-button gamepad
- External 2nd gamepad for multiplayer
- 3 button pointer device
Online Software Features:
- Runs in major desktop browsers
- Play online in the emulator
- Programming text editor
- Palette editor
- Sprite selection tool
- Sound preview tool
- Symbol pane
- Google Drive support
- Import/export to local files
- Encode your program in a URL for sharing
- Auto-minimizer for Twitter
- Open source: use online, fork, or run locally
### Pong
[one of the first](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pong) video games,
is a great place to start. It is an endless and simplified tennis game for two players. The
nano version is 100 lines of code, but shows how to implement multiple players, graphics,
sounds, scores, and the basic physics of the game.
Any nano program can be encoded as a URL. Click on the word "Pong" above to load this game directly
into a browser and play it. If you're new to programming, experiment with its source code for a bit.
For experienced programmers, I'll point out some of the unusual features of nano that you can see
here. nano uses **unicode** characters. This means that some fractions, such as `¼`, can appear in the
source code as numbers. Subscripts can also be used. These are array indices. The code
`paddleᵢ` is a shorter form of `paddle[i]`. The special variable `τ` (which you can insert
from the Symbols window or type using autocorrect as `\tau`) is the frame counter. It is
0 on the first frame, so `if τ≟0` branches to run specifying initialization code that only runs
for frame zero.
nano automatically wraps the whole program with a title screen, main loop, and screen clear
inside of the main loop. This lets you get straight to the interesting parts of the program.
Here's the full source code:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C++ linenumbers
#nanojam Pong
if τ ≟ 0
// Initialize the game
// ball position and velocity
ball = xy(32, 32)
vel = xy(½, ¼)
// Per-player variables
dir = [+1, -1]
score = [0, 0]
paddle = [32, 32]
// For each player
for i < 2
// Move the paddle
paddleᵢ = mid(3, paddleᵢ + padᵢ.x, 59)
// Paddle y position
y = 25dirᵢ + 32
// Draw the paddle and score
draw(44, paddleᵢ, y, 1)
text(scoreᵢ, 4, y)
// Paddle bounce
if |paddleᵢ - ball.x| < 4 & |y - ball.y| < 2
vel.y = -¼dirᵢ
// Ball goes past paddle. Multiply both sides by
// +1 or -1 to alternate the sign of the comparison.
if ball.y * dirᵢ > y * dirᵢ
// The other player scores
ball.x = ball.y = 32
// Draw the center line
for (i < 8) draw(91, 8i, 32, 91)
// Ball physics. Assume the ball moves slowly.
ball.x += vel.x; ball.y += vel.y
if |ball.x - 32| > 30
vel.x = -vel.x
// Draw the ball
draw(43, ball.x, ball.y, 9191)
### Rainbow
is a simple scene of a sky after a summer shower.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C++ linenumbers
#nanojam Rainbow
clr = 12
// Draw a cloud using the
// default palette's white
circ(10, 15, 4, 1)
circ(14, 16, 5)
circ(18, 12, 4)
circ(20, 15, 4)
// Draw ten rings
for i < 10
// Set color #1 based on the hue
pal(hsv(i / 10, 1, 1))
// Draw a disk in this colour
circ(45, 68, 30 - i, 1)
// Cut the center out using the sky colour
circ(45, 68, 21, 1)
### Colours
loops over every pixel `(x,y)` on the screen and computes a hue, saturation, and value for
it. It then uses the `hsv` command to find the closest nano colour to those and sets the pixel
The nano hues vary from 0 to 1, so to create a rainbow I used the horizontal pixel position divided by 64. I scaled
`y` by 32 so that the top half of the screen would fade in from white (zero saturation)
and the bottom half would fade out to black (zero value).
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C++ linenumbers
#nanojam Colours,1
for y < 64
for x < 64
hue = x / 64
sat = y / 32
val = 2 - y / 32
pset(x, y, hsv(hue, sat, val, x, y))
### Driver
is a peaceful drive down an empty highway with flowers on both sides. Can you figure out how to add oncoming traffic to make it more
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C++ linenumbers
#nanojam Driver
if τ ≟ 0
// Initialize variables at
// the beginning (time = 0)
// Car
x = 32
// Flower
Fx = 10
Fy = 0
// Speed
spd = ⅓
// Grass
clr = 3
// Flowers
draw(78, Fx, Fy, 564)
// Move the flowers down the screen
Fy = Fy + spd
if Fy > 80
// Random position
Fx = 64ξ
Fy = -4
// Road
rect(20, 0, 44, 64, 2)
// Scrolling divider line
for y < 9
// Shift by a fraction of the current time
s = spd * τ % 8 - 4
draw(91, 32, 8y + s, 991, 1)
// Update the player car position
// from the joystick
x = x + joy.x
// Don't go off road
x = max(x, 20)
x = min(x, 43)
// Update the flower position
// Player car
draw(6, x, 40, 3652)
### Breaker
is a brick breaking game with win and lose conditions. It shows how to implement multiple lives,
uses the top screen, and introduces some advanced nano syntax.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C++ linenumbers
#nanojam Breaker
if ¬τ
// initialize variables
clr = 5
clip(0, -12, 63, 63)
paddle = {pos: xy(32, 54), ext: xy(6, 1)}
ball = {pos: xy(32, 50), ext: xy(2, 2), vel: xy(-1,-1)}
lives = 3
world = []
for j < 4
for i < 8
world.add({pos: xy(8i + 3, 4j + 8), ext: xy(4, 2)})
// overlap size for brick hit
let W = world₀.ext.x + ball.ext.x
let H = world₀.ext.y + ball.ext.y
// current and next ball position
let cur = ball.pos
let nxt = xy(cur.x + ball.vel.x, cur.y + ball.vel.y)
// draw lives
for (L < lives) draw(27, 60 - 5L, -8, 79)
// background line graphics
for i < 10
line(0, 32 + 48noise(4, τ/300, i), 63, 32 + 48noise(4, τ/300, 2, i), 3)
// bricks
for brick ∊ world
with pos, ext ∊ brick
with x, y ∊ pos
draw(44, x, y, 4251)
// Look for ball collisions
if (|x - nxt.x| < W) and (|y - cur.y| < H)
// Hit horizontally
world.rem(brick); sound(25)
ball.vel.x *= -1
elif (|x - cur.x| < W) and (|y - nxt.y| < H)
// Hit vertically
world.rem(brick); sound(25)
ball.vel.y *= -1
// paddle
with pos, ext ∊ paddle
with x, y ∊ pos
line(x - ext.x, y + ext.y + 1, x + ext.x, y + ext.y + 1, 8)
rect(x - ext.x, y - ext.y, x + ext.x, y + ext.y, 7)
x = mid(x + joy.x, ext.x, 63 - ext.x)
// ball
with pos, ext, vel ∊ ball
draw(43, pos.x, pos.y, 192)
pos.x += vel.x; pos.y += vel.y
// bounce x
diff = pos.x - 32
if |diff| > 32 - ext.x
vel.x *= -sgn(diff * vel.x); sound(61)
// bounce y
if pos.y - ext.y < 0
vel.y = |vel.y|; sound(61)
// lose ball
if pos.y + ext.y > 70
vel.x = +1; vel.y = -1
pos.x = paddle.pos.x
pos.y = paddle.pos.y - paddle.ext.y - ball.ext.y
lives -= 1
draw(27, 60 - 5lives, -8, 89); pset(7)
if lives ≥ 0
sound(79); text("Press to Launch")
sound(28); text("GAME OVER")
wait; reset
if overlap(ball, paddle) and vel.y > 0
vel.y *= -1; sound(61)
// end game
if world.len ≟ 0
sound(75); text("You Win", 32, 32)
wait; reset
if (¬τ) text("Press to Launch"); wait
### Star Attack
is a side-scrolling space game where you have to dodge aliens...until you lose. There's no way
to win in this version. Maybe you can fix that.
This program uses an array of aliens. Each alien is represented by a table of its `x` position,
`y` position, and sprite index `s`. This lets the game use a loop to avoid repeating the
code for each alien. You could have any number of aliens using this basic structure.
I got a little fancy with the star field. So, don't worry if you don't understand that
part. But you can copy it to use in your own games anyway.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C++ linenumbers
#nanojam Star Attack
if τ ≟ 0
y = 32
// Aliens
aln = [{x:100, y:10, s:4}, {x:140, y:40, s:20}, {x:180, y:60, s:4}]
// Stars
for s < 64
// Compute a "random" column on each row
// for a star, and then cycle it left
h = hash(s)
pset(64 - ((64 + τ) * h % 64), s, gray(⅓h))
y = y + joy.y
y = max(4, y)
y = min(60, y)
// Player ship
draw(38, 10, y, 641)
// alternate animation frames
k = ⌊⅛τ % 2⌋
// Aliens
for a ∈ aln
draw(a.s + k, a.x, a.y, 645)
if (a.x - 10)² + (a.y - y)² < 16
// Hit the ship!
text("BOOM!", 32, 32, 4)
a.x -= 1
if a.x < -4
// Pick a new position when off screen
a.x = 120 + 50ξ
a.y = 4 + 56ξ
Because the nano syntax is very consise, it is possible to squeeze some full games down into
a single page of code, or even a tweet. These aren't as readable as the nice examples shown
in the previous section, but they present a fun challenge for advanced programmers.
I give the code _before_ nano's automatic minification here to make them a little easier
to understand.
### Space Dash
[*Space Dash*](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAIDKAFAggYQKIICJqQAkAoASwDMAKAGsBHgASgA8BeAZgCZiB6LhAcXgBTALSQAboIBOCQYwAOAG0gBnUpBBkqtADwAGenLALKADgDUrQH3A9ANwBjUpLuVGAGgCsu1wE5vZ2q4AjN62duoALsTEypIQACaU7vTELHCkCd6ujGbs0JAAngB0bu4ALMnkkNIAroAmRABspcQIPMjhYJLKzcpsljZyyoLhlNWulOyAHgSW-sr0AKSTHmazza1YIIJw+QjKABakA80A1syAUMTs04GA0MQ2Ysy0R8KsUzZxsQDuiWaBpUeuo2JXBxSq5yjYKJQAD6MYTVSFmSFiYSeSHaer0WjMYS+KJrEBxBCKCBDYgOJyUDiuWjYgDNrnYJmS3F4KAUYHyUh2+zkxDeYE+rCyHi8jUCTNaADVSHZwlVtso7JJBIINBDaIBTIm8NPo4VkwwARABNADyAFUEAB1ACSADl9bZ3mBSOEbJjdMQgA) is a complete game in 270 characters (277 by Twitter's Unicode weighting--still
less than one tweet!) once comments and blank lines are removed.
The player flies a space ship
through enemy fighters to reach their home planet. It has a loading screen, background
animation, controls, collision detection, and end-game scene.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C++ linenumbers
#nanojam Space Dash
// Game-over explosion
for u≤64
// Stars
// Enemy ships
// End planet
// Player ship
// Victory screen
if(τ≥9³)text("YOU WIN");wait;τ=0
The first real line of *Space Dash* initializes the `x` position of the player spaceship. The
second line of code is the game-over animation. The next line resets the random number
generator `ξ` every frame with `srand()` so that it can treat "random numbers" as stable
game-level data.
I see an opportunity to save two more characters in this program. Can you find it? Can you find
*more*? With the remaining room, maybe you could remove the end planet to recover enough
characters to add a third type of enemy, while staying in character limit of a single
tweet. Now you're thinking like a nano programmer.
### Pong Revisited
Here's our original game, squeezed down into 266 characters: [*Pong*](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAIAKkQHMBQBLAZgCgBrAR4AEoBXAXgDcKBmAJgG4BnCgbQAYAaDgXUYAe7MlzL8AXhQC9jAO4UAPRhyQATgiwAeehgQAjCvTxSAtFhKMAnoYCsegNQNGAE1VhZeACyeuAwEa4FHBYzni0vn72AA5gzn4AdAJcNgCcJFyWXACMFgAuAKYCOXjMflw+liS6uHgAPpYmVDXaAGQ1-iZkTZ4k8iYKelX4VABUegB8lqMk9vbMgIEEgNEEfoyUNAzKanhaABwkru54yZlc21hcDFxHlfsenmFk9hTiXFSPspeZV9j4ZGMAbN1JCYpN88GRNBwSJIpEA)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C++ linenumbers
#nanojam TweetPong
// Ball = (u,v)
// Velocity = (z,w)
// Score = s
// Player = x
// Reset
for i<2
// Paddle and score
// Paddle bounce
// Score
// Line
// Ball
// Wall bounce
### Plasma
[*Plasma*](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAIAKAbMBnOYA0BGAUAGaQBOCAngDwBsALPgsWQB430IKATwALzkDUgEeAA3ADducAJYATABRQJ6AKYyAzNkDahACbmGzZ2wAegM0CAlHwC92AAx5TDBAAclAFxk7y2ABboRMwOqEIpbYMrgAtCKmAHr+2CLYOpympkA) is a little graphics doodle instead of a game. It shows field of animated value
noise. The two loops iterate over each pixel, computing its value independently.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C++ linenumbers
#nanojam Plasma,1
for y<64
for x<64
The same setup is great for computing fractals and ray marching in 3D.
### Online
Search Twitter for #nanojam
to see the latest games others have posted, such as:
- [Pong](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAIAKkQHMBQB6LCBCYANoQgLwIAUArgDQBuAlNrgGoCmhkAxgJYAuATzKUAXjQDuTHAgDKXSACc2wgM7NkhMALYLhADwzqASmxVs+GHgDMKAGsAjwAyqk6pAMwAmANwrSAbQAGGgCAXS89f1oqMJFSAF6vcVIAHsMrRQQeAB4PDAQAI1IPCjiAWh4GLwEigFZ8gGpPPOkkMAATNsJlCDaEFXklPLaFMHEKABZxmj1AI1xSOB42ijdpmfqAB3aZgDo9GhqATgYaARoARkq+Nj0+ChUZmimBJgQW9s7lfMgqEC42POsFAAPgJSnQgTkAGRA2alKgQ8YMJKlZL5Zq4OSKf6ZGx0ABU+QAfAICQx6vUVIBAgkA0QQzLzOVxNdQAGR4IH+6QUFGyAA4GMNRhQDmcaDyeDRPDRhUx1ARiBgBWNxisqPVSGI6GrxFKztLDNIAOpEEhfH5-Sw2KiEgBsiNipTiFuoWQCDFicSAA) by [@CasualEffects](https://twitter.com/CasualEffects)
- [Mandel](https://twitter.com/Jackson_T_Allen/status/951965451990552577) by [@Jackson_T_Allen](https://twitter.com/Jackson_T_Allen) ([Permalink](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAICyBBAcgEQKIBkA0AjAFACWAZgBQA1gI8ACUAHgLwC0AvQNwCeTADBwGcmBAGxEAxgBsATk0CgREQYBqJgCZokLgDoGAegFEuK9Zq1d9pShu1g6AgFTCtxchWtaARnd1PiZSNIIAG4APCIALEQI-oEA7mGRCAiAjcBMFLEsAMyqdPpKDFEIgE3AaUFZOXlchWB8HB61JHyF0EwArLy6uiQIcGAFSbEAFiSSAKYUJCHQCABkCGAATUoeCyHhdIUI4kyLLCtKyZv1qmD2HkpFmzXimyRKSoUADgKjAC7peEF4gwJBFIAahCRdNA6IQ8CwgdAlAQ6EA))
- [Offroad](https://twitter.com/attilazz/status/979083374114598912) by [@attillazz](https://twitter.com/attilazz) [Permalink](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAIDyAzFAnSYAmAoAligBQA1gI8ACUAbgLwAMA3AB40CMrArAMwMAWNAbQC6uAMYAbAM5FWAJgq4ADmHFEAHHS6z2dOgHYFKSOgT5AJkQA2ACy4EvQEa4NFDSt0AtLNlR8kgKZFZABo6ADo6WSJ8NyYKBQRxfBB-fEDrQJSUQKsKBmx0MAB3IisudMDMrgU8wqI9C0DZAGomLKtAjgBOViyFACMaXkBwgjdeQEiCXDAaNzAAFwgiXoaFJjcaKgAqUUhpMAUqVdC6VnWifehIAE8Qpkbeqvyiz0C1QLG3DkCOiw+6QN2GMT4dCiIgcIIvepyBQzXxMGZESgEFAIIhMAA8HQoBTA+BmDDI9CAA)
- [Airplane Artist](https://twitter.com/Jackson_T_Allen/status/950120763595677696) by [@Jackson_T_Allen](https://twitter.com/Jackson_T_Allen) ([Permalink](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAICCBJASgBQDJIHIFFk0AVFAZWICgB6agFwCcBLAUwBMFwoEIO4w2LHiB4M6COpACelJgDMAFABrAI8ABKAB4BeAAwBuKbr2AO4CMAHLQG0AunoDGkEHUp2ANgGcFARgBMaymZgrt4AHF46OgCcvjohOgDs-sYA1FqASoTQ0gB0GpQaqYAahA6exv5She5MIAqlsnIImVJZYJQIZs1sbAoaALQALMU1askAzIB9wD1e-m0dXVL9ldWloxNTlHKQDAhMADztriwg1D6tZu4sdAojXslmlj5M1j0aADTXt-dMyV5PUi8AbMkfGN-GwGGAAO5XHxvLywl59EY+OE6F4pAC9gAHgNRAA))
- Even shorter version: [Fly](https://twitter.com/CasualEffects/status/959986975255285760) by [@CasualEffects](https://twitter.com/CasualEffects) ([Permalink](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAIBiAbAngKAJYDMAUANYCPAAlAB4C8aFAxigE4WAdwBQIwBMA3IJXAFA2gF0MZANS1IAZyac0YiVhBMM3AHRgAJurx8ArhTKBKIgBsAZgA0ANyrGTAkspXqApijysVAVkB9wKpROQ9jiQ9Ag0gFBE3BgIAA4STgAueDSAAQRmNICBBPbq9GAA7ngm7GY6lmbsACysZh5mTGKA2oTQkGgqZCQIQA))
- [MOVE!](https://twitter.com/ugoerra/status/952121400038391809) by [@ugoerra](https://twitter.com/ugoerra) ([Permalink](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAICyB5AagUQIQCgCWAZgBQA1gI8ACUADgLwDMA3ATQEyDuBDgMYA2AzkQEYWFHLwBOEACZEALCM40ZABgCcAlUoDsAmQICsOAFI1okAJ4A6AB45acPNLoAaKgGoAPYad6VIgpDEEK0ATIhlAVwIcBABrGkAoYhlAPuBXAUBoYkjJCQB3IjUnAA4rJwA2JWKimT0KBk48MU4iAFd6FisAWjJAJUIo1zoWJwA3Vk1XFhZePBAidzJAbUIKfKcWASqausaRgdaZRac6EQQqMG4iThGlFiiqjLBsmTzXKgBSPqpvPr0ZIr1FokMAHiUFH2hCIAB8Gq0qKDXKD+q09CxQX9fARWq0GCCSAQKJkwHgAC4MMg0JQ4fEAUys+KI2KAA))
- [Jump](https://twitter.com/matthughson/status/951009171742191616) by [@matthughson](https://twitter.com/matthughson) ([Permalink](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAIBSBVAsgBQFAEsBmAFAISAjwAJQAeAvAIwCsA3AJ5V0AMDAJixwMZUA2ACwMADlQ4BnWlgAuAUwqyCosrkIkAPGzK9IIWeoLRITAHRgwAMiaBTInZluVALSANQizcA1FTNsAzFgscDggBEye3AA0DljUwZwEbJEUnoDKhCbmFJHCarzOVJJGAD4UzrxFnkXszkxFmgJkJC4AnM1YeFQkgEqEHgBOYADuBADsNJ54AKQATMmRTJFTQgI0apz9QwAcbOMTfpG8kZIhBOQAVJKe7JFCdGr4BLzauoJCnsKAfcAM0u+eNGKennakF6CAAroATIg2WAQa0GBCEw0ioNOG2iqKmKyAA))
- [MADCAR](https://twitter.com/ugoerra/status/951463468191899648) by [@ugoerra](https://twitter.com/ugoerra) ([Permalink](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAICyBBAIgYRQJQFAEsAzACgBrAR4AEoBPAXgAZcAHB3AYwBsBnYgFkuZgOxAKwBGAEz0AHPXoSpAdgFcAThAAmfSglx04+LRIDMAGmoBqaJGoA6aqePLcqgKZsALsQC0Y02MVTADZeU15QsSCBQkhVBAAPQBMiXkBXAlwEJi5XL15473IAXsc-ZwQAa1pAKGIJQD7gCzFAaGIAbgBXWl5ADwJiYxrKfKaAN1oATnreMvS2fFU2Yki8wtNvY3oLXnoysNMJAQQNdQB3YglQltMB0xFjUJ30omIAH0jvFoeLB4HvageAHijyBhNA5gfAeO4kFo-SKUJgWCy4fZgI4KfxBcyXa4CDyueJeJiUIA))
- [Space Drop](https://twitter.com/MonstersGo/status/951518882283556864) by [@MonstersGo](https://twitter.com/MonstersGo) ([Tweaked permalink](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAIDKAFAggYQKIICICUB5FAKAEsAzACgBrAR4AEoAPAXgGYAmAbgGcWAGLgE8WADi4BzAVwosAjP0EkeAJwgATKmwbKRcgGyA+4BIVIKhAFdAJkT6ALCQQAbMiACmVCwBo7nr3YC0PEI6CEH+LLb+osaUVAAOEq4ALlRMnsGABkT8DABuIoJJrkwpAEQAmoQAqnhYaLglDFwA7mBkSVx0Aggk6mpNWp5pQv62OjwA1CyASoTQkEIAdEzk1LMLYABkFAB82RLh-PP8bFy9YP2iAOyD6eOjMv7+JEyTPMKTEsoAVCyAGoSSk1MAE0kQrFKgUBhAA))
- [Flappy Nano](https://twitter.com/ugoerra/status/951567004867194881) by [@ugoerra](https://twitter.com/ugoerra) ([Permalink](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAIBiAbMAHdBPBA5CkAUAJYBmAFADWAjwAJQAeAvAMwBMA3FowIwBs76RgAZC6MCnIAWIQE4hADlYB2ec27dahAMYoATj1aEAzrogATcgFZNAFwCm9G+UCqhOk2CRpSLoT1AJkSsQpLyhAgA1oyAUMTMgH3AANTcgNDEoWamAO7kSjIANMxx8vQAtNQAvdm8rNmsrBqhXj7EADwhCAgAriysRdQAPezEcSzkxID6RGGarQBuLPnE7KlgGTLc2W3Zk+WWrNahCGTkAD58hW0HcQeThVgHzbTUwuxpYMQ2u-ttjXy06HFxhFiDagAUlYcWgkCwADosIQFhlmDk+NksLlJJZLHFpOQetRAJREGloQA))
- [TRON](https://twitter.com/Jackson_T_Allen/status/951962772061020165) by [@Jackson_T_Allen](https://twitter.com/Jackson_T_Allen) ([Permalink](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAIAqAlA8gOQFAEsBmAFADWAjwAJQAeAvANoAMANAGwDMAugNwCetLAjAxYAmTgBNajQAPAbLAHpZ+AiQCkQsgGNIIAC5Z1AGwBOVQKBEWPJEMIcAHiFYEeKmE0BnAgAcwowEa4AOgoyBwBzZ1ccEE9vfy4g60IvXwCAMl9AAyIAWjwAakkyXyo8B0VEmNSfTOD8nypghw9XAFNtAgofBi52gA5sgBYcOLbsqjcCXzjO4fDI8eKE4ObW9s6yNLoybUaKFqEMnGyAIgAFBAB1AEkMA8EhG4Y+Mg4AdzAcbQ4SKjogA))
- [Rain](https://twitter.com/CasualEffects/status/952049699569139713) by [@CasualEffects](https://twitter.com/CasualEffects) ([Permalink](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAIBKYCWIA0BGAUABzABsAKaAXgCYAWCgZgoqywAYB2AShwDNIAnBAB4AeLLRwIAFmQlgAzhOICA1AE5OCVGWLEAPQGbAI8DFWEpbXZLWzCe0CURFgCs7ALRNxPfgE8RuBAgAuAKYC-sQARICtwIATwABygAPAAI4GgHhEgKBEgH3ASADuzLaAVESAkMSAqUSAjcCATcCALcAAsg6AKcCAHcCA3cCAPcCAg8CAw8CAY8CAk8CAlcAA3lhhANpKStC2tFgAuhgOAhgAbBTOi54YcOjEqEpkAL1KexJL7OxAA))
- [Alternative Boot Sequence](https://twitter.com/CasualEffects/status/950048407942516736) by [@CasualEffects](https://twitter.com/CasualEffects) ([Permalink](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAIBClIBcA0BGAUADwDNIAnOACgGYAmDagShyOITAB4rB3AhwQE8BeOGDxkADBkAjwAFoKACzABnGWTB1JnOgG4ADvICmaMjwBUAY0jyWGY-ICWISzPkA3MoG1CHnQZME0VhW7eNqxYAKzcCDr6ZABskjYY0GoYZADaABwA7BRpGFRYaQAsIblYFBQiALqAPjSA3aQ2gJREWHRGAObEYDxkcDYAJmRYaoDeBIAeBOIYYk1GZOIA9FQi0gA+iViLnnRAA))
- [Virtual Pet](https://twitter.com/Jackson_T_Allen/status/960757428114673664) by [@Jackson_T_Allen](https://twitter.com/Jackson_T_Allen) ([Permalink](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAJgDcCWAnALgVzAGwAcBTTWOAKFQDMAKAGsBHgASgA8BeARgBoBnNgbQCcXYaIC65dnFQATGgAYuLANTRIATwB0LFlwDMTSrTVawYJj0DJBG0HkZ6MAHcaAVgAsXN8o7zdLgGyGVJDoCKgAPG7kCDyARrgAtGyASoSAfcDKgK3ADNHoRADGmDQATN7yqFwuiv4lZRXxhXGGYbRx4fJM9k40-sJuABye-YpuTADcmEQsBQBEACIAogCCMwhTyswjjmComCMMbPLk45M0UwASiwAyACqnAJora4Ydzt0DA0xAA))
- [Flower](https://twitter.com/CasualEffects/status/1033767948454977541) by [@CasualEffects](https://twitter.com/CasualEffects) ([Permalink](https://morgan3d.github.io/nano/index.html?code=MQOwhiD2BWYLYAIBiAbSB3ApgJwDQEYAoAMwGMQEBzbDACgA9cBPXQDuBcAZASkIQEtiCDgD4ATLwTFI2fgB4AzBISAx4AC8rANQBOWoD7gALQBejYE1CUpADOtQEqEAJsAjwFy4B6DgG4ArqvoaOAKnMLZTcAN1UmXz8LPhBglBjMBmZcD1wQ3Hl9WhF5LiyRAA4nN2o6VPTlXEAVQg59UV0eC2wIABNafB5SFGxVUQAWQgAHMBRaUQA2fFFRAFYABgB2fBnRXMJsTFIAF1o53D30VXH5XFE98Z4N7d3T-Fx0DL2Zy82dvfk7h-kZ3D6X6-e43uv3ePFK6Fo8lEuHGfVwRkAA8CnZ5AA))
Exporting Cartridges
nano will prompt you to log in to Google Drive to save your cartridges. If you choose not to,
there are still several ways to export the results.
You can download your program to a text file by pressing the export button on the top of the
code editor (it looks like an arrow pointing down into a bucket).
Clicking on the "url" link at the bottom of the code editor opens a browser window with a URL
that encodes your program. Copying that URL allows you to give links that directly load nano
with your program in it. The code is in the URL itself--this does not save anything on the
You can also export a minimized version of your code by clicking on the hyperlinked "chars" at
the bottom of the editor. This is useful when exporting to Twitter if you need the minimizer to
hit satisfy the Twitter weighted character quota.
The emulator accepts keyboard and game controller input, as well as directly pressing its
buttons on screen for mobile. On a gamepad, you must press a button before directional input
will register in a web browser.
Player 1
: Directions: WASD or arrow keys
A button: Z or Space
B button: X or Enter
C button: E
D button: R
start button: 1
Player 2 ("external gamepad")
: Directions: IJKL
A button: G or .
B button: H or ;
C button: O
D button: P
start button: 7
Pressing the "run" button on the editor automatically transfers keyboard focus to the emulator.
The emulator has special keyboard keys for:
- F6: screenshot
- F8: start/stop recording GIF
Numbers are stored internally as double-precision (64-bit) IEEE floating point
values. Integer operators truncate the decimal places of their arguments.
The first 2^53=9007199254740992 contiguous positive integers are exactly
representable. The largest finite representable number is about 1.7977x10^308. There are
about seventeen decimal digits of precision on arbitrary numbers. NaN and positive and
negative infinity are also exactly representable.
Numeric literals contain an optional single plus or minus sign and one of:
- a series of digits, followed by an optional decimal point and a series of digits
- a decimal point followed by a series of digits
- one of the following single-character fractions: `½⅓⅔¼¾⅕⅖⅗⅘⅙⅐⅛⅑⅒`
Examples of legal numeric literals:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ none
No hexadecimal, octal, binary, or exponential notation are allowed. Trailing decimal points
are not allowed.
There are no literals for booleans. Comparison operations create booleans, but explicit
boolean values are never required because the logical operators work with any values.
For logical operators and flow control, `0`, `∅`, and empty string act as false.
String literals are enclosed in double quotes (`"..."`). They may not contain newlines or
double quotes.
To enter a double quotation mark or slash, escape it with a slash: `"\\"` is the `\` character
and `"\""` is the `"` character.
The `+` operator performs string concatenation, coercing the right-hand argument if it is not a
string. String characters are read-only substrings accessed using zero-based array syntax.
The `.len` property of a string returns its length. The `|s|` syntax can also be used as a
Arrays are zero-based and have dynamically typed elements. Array literals are surrounded in
square brackets and separated by commas. Square brackets are also used for l-value and r-value
dereference. Arrays also support the special indexing syntax described in the Subscripts
The `len` property of an Array is its length. It is both readable and writable. The `|a|`
syntax can be used as a shorthand to read the length.
Array examples:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JavaScript
Negative indices are permitted on arrays but will not be reported in the length. Reading an
out-of-bounds value from an Array returns `∅`.
Tables (also known as dictionaries and objects in other languages) map keys to values.
Literals are created using key-value pairs separated by a colon, surrounded by curly braces,
and delimited by commas. Table elements can be accessed using the string name of a property
in square brackets or by a period. This allows them to act as objects/structs.
Table examples:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JavaScript
The `keys` property of a table returns an Array of its keys. The read-only `len` property
of the Table directly gives the number of keys.
Functions are first-class values. They can be passed to and returned from other functions,
stored in data structures, and bound to variables. Declare functions with `fcn` and
return values from them with `ret`:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JavaScript
// Multi-line function block
fcn solve(a,b,c)
ret ½(sqrt(b²-4a*c)-b)/a
// Inline function
fcn foo(x) x+=1; ret 2x
// Call a user function
There is no way to declare an anonymous function or use a function definition as an expression.
The `wait` and `show` special syntax are not permitted inside of a function body. If a function
body takes too long to execute then the nano interpreter may terminate the program to prevent
the game from becoming unresponsive.
To call a function returned from an expression that ends in parentheses or brackets, use the
`call` function.
Variables are implicitly declared by their first assignment. You may optionally use
JavaScript-style declarations (see below) when writing longer programs to improve readability
and limit scope further.
Implicitly declared variables have the scope of the enclosing _function_ (as with JavaScript
`var` and Python variables, and unlike C++ variables that have the scope of the enclosing
_block_). The variables captured by `for` and `with` or declared explicitly using
`let` and `const` are scoped to the _block_.
Variable name identifiers consist of an optional upper case delta plus a series of Roman
letters, or the unambiguous-looking Greek letters `αβγδζηθιλμρσϕχψωΩ` by themselves, and
optionally trailing a series of digits. The identifier also must not be a reserved word. No
underscores or other unicode characters are allowed in identifiers.
Examples of legal identifiers:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ none
These are reserved tokens that cannot be used as variable names:
`and`, `arguments`, `args`, `as`, `async`, `auto`, `await`, `begin`, `bitand`, `bitnot`, `bitor`,
`bitashl`, `bitshl`, `bitshr`, `break`, `catch`, `class`,
`const`, `cont`, `continue`, `do`, `end`, `external`, `fcn`, `finally`, `for`, `from`, `function`, `get`, `global`,
`go`, `goto`, `has`, `if`, `in`, `implements`, `inherits`, `include`, `import`, `len`, `let`, `local`, `loop`,
`NaN`, `new`, `nil`, `nonlocal`, `not`, `null`, `or`, `ret`, `to`, `try`, `var`, `xor`, `set`,
`until`, `while`, `with`, `then`, `else`, `elif`, `flip`, `reset`, `main`, `enum`, `throw`,
`return`, `yield`, `template`, `public`, `private`, `protected`, `show`, `static`, `xor`.
Built-in functions such as `tri` that are legal identifiers can be rebound. They are not
reserved. `cos`, `sin`, and `tan` by themselves are bound to first-class functions, but the special
syntax that allows them to be invoked without parentheses on single variables is tied to their
exact names. If you rebind them, then the new functions that you have bound will be invoked.
Variables always have lexical scope. However, implicit declaration causes all assignments
to shadow external ones from enclosing scopes. To assign to a variable declared in an
enclosing, external scope, use an `extern` statement on the first line of a function:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JavaScript
x = 3
fcn A()
x = 4 // local variable
fcn B()
extern x
x = 4 // the global x
fcn C()
x = 2
fcn D()
extern x
x = 7 // the C-scope x
Optional Declaration
Variables may optionally be explicitly declared with block scope, as in
the following examples:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JavaScript
const x = 7 // x may not be rebound
let y // Declare y
let z = 9 // Declare and initialize z
// Declare and initialize two variables on the same line:
let a = [1, 2]; let b = 'hello'
Note that only a single variable is permitted per `let` or `const` statement. Multiple
statements may be chained using semi-colons on a single line, however.
`with` Statement
The `with` statement creates a local scope in which explicitly named keys from a table are
variables bound to their current value. The results are stored back into the object at the end
of the `with` statement. This allows compact syntax for repeated use of those keys. The local
variables shadow any global (or enclosing `with` statement) variables. Until the end of the
statement, those values are not visible on the original object.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ none
G = {x:1, y:2, z:0}
with x,y ∈ G
x = 100
y = 0
z = 4
// G.x is now 100, G.y is now 0, G.z is still 0,
// and global z is now 4
The single-line version of the `with` statement is comparable to other single-line nano flow control:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ none
G = {x:1, y:2, z:0}
with (x,y ∈ G) x = 100; y = 0; z = 4
Comments follow C/C++/Java/JavaScript syntax of `//` for single line comments and `/*`...`*/`
for multi-line comments.
Because comments are the front line in the conflict between nano's goals of letting you write
*short* and *readable* programs, the editor shows the total character count with comments and
blank lines removed in the "min" section of the status bar at the bottom.
Symbol | Meaning
`++` | increment
`--` | decrement
`=` | assignment
`≟` | equality test
`≠` | inequality test (also logical XOR)
`+` | addition and string concatenation
`-` | negation
`+=` | mutating addition, string concatenation
`-=` | mutating subtraction
`<` | less-than
`≤` | less-than or equal to
`>` | greater-than
`≥` | greater-than or equal to
`∈` | `for` loop container element-of and `with` statement object
`^` | exponentiation
`*` | multiplication (see also implicit multiplication)
`*=` | mutating multiplication
`/` | floating-point division
`/=` | mutating division
`%` | remainder (modulo)
`%=` | mutating modulo
`⌊⌋` | floor function
`⌈⌉` | ceiling function
`||` | absolute value, or length for strings and arrays
`[]` | table/array element or array constructor
`{}` | table constructor (follow JavaScript syntax)
`.` | table string-named element ("object member")
`()` | grouping or function call
`∩` | bitwise AND (bit set intersection)
`∩=` | mutating bitwise AND
`∪` | bitwise OR (bit set union)
`∪=` | mutating bitwise OR
`&` | logical AND
`or` | logical OR (you can often use the shorter `∪`)
`not` | logical NOT (see also the shorter `¬`)
`and` | logical AND (see also the shorter `&`)
`⊕` | bitwise XOR
`⊕=` | mutating bitwise XOR
`~` | bitwise NOT
`~=` | mutating bitwise NOT
`¬` | logical NOT
`◅` | bit shift left
`◅=` | mutating bit shift left
`▻` | bit shift right
`▻=` | mutating bit shift right
There is no conditional ("ternary ?:") operator or logical XOR in nano.
Spaces are not required around operators in most cases, so long as the text parses
unambiguously. For example, `1or3` is equivalent to `1 or 3`.
Behaviour of these operators is consistent with the JavaScript definition of the operation
(even though JavaScript uses different operators). For example, the logical-AND expression
`4 & 1` evaluates to `1` because `4` is non-false and the result of non-false AND another
value is the other value.
The trigonometric functions `cos`, `sin`, and `tan` may be invoked as if they were operators
when the order of operations is unambiguous. For example, `cos a` ==> `cos(a)`, `cosβ` ==>
`cos(β)`, and `cosθ*sinφ` ==> `cos(θ) * sin(φ)`. To avoid confusion and reserve future syntax,
they may not be invoked in this form when a high-precedence operator follows the argument. Those
operators are `.`, `[`, subscript, or exponentiation.
Because back-to-back parentheses are interpreted as implicit multiplication, functions that
are returned from other functions, determined by parenthesized expressions, or stored in
tables cannot be invoked using the `()` syntax. Instead, use the `call` function:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JavaScript
// Illegal:
x = (a and abs or cos)(θ)
y = tbl["myfunc"](3, 4)
z = f(a)(b)
// Legal:
x = call(a and abs or cos, θ)
y = call(tbl["myfunc"], 3, 4)
z = call(f(a), b)
The characters `⁺⁻⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹ᵃᵝⁱʲˣᵏᵘⁿ⁽⁾` can form exponent expressions that operate as if
the `^` operator or `pow` function was invoked using those expressions as a second argument.
The entire exponent expression is implicitly surrounded in parentheses.
The variables `a`, `β`, `i`, `j`, `x`, `n`, `k`, and `u` may appear only as single-character
variable names in exponents.
Exponentiation, including via exponent characters, may not be performed on a negative number
without parentheses. This follows the rules from JavaScript's `**` operator. For example,
`x=y-1²` is legal, but `x=y+-1²` is illegal and must be rewritten as `x=y+(-1)²` or (the
confusing and redundant expression, if that's really what was intended) `x=y+-(1²)`.
The characters `₊₋₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉ₐᵦᵢⱼₓₖᵤₙ₍₎` can form subscript expressions that operate as if
the array/table element accessor was invoked using those expressions as the second
argument. For example, `aᵢ₊₂` is equivalent to `a[i+2]`. The entire subscript expression
is implicitly surrounded in parentheses.
The variables `a`, `β`, `i`, `j`, `x`, `n`, `k`, and `u` may appear only as single-character
variable names in subscripts.
Implicit Multiplication
Multiplication is implicit wherever a number is immediately followed by a parenthesized
expression or variable (including a function call). This also ocurs when any exponent
appears immediately preceeding a parenthesized expression or variable, and where two
parenthesized expressions are back to back. For example,
`2x`, `x²y`, `3(x+y)`, `(y+2)(x+1)`.
Implicit multiplication can be used within subscripts or exponents.
Built-in Objects
The following are special zero-argument operators for special functions and constants. They are
not variable names and thus cannot be redefined.
Name | Value
`ε` | `0.0000001`
`π` | `3.141592653589793115997963468544185161590576171875`
`∞` | infinity
`NaN` | floating-point "not-a-number" value
`∅` | nil ("undefined")
`pad` | array gamepad of tables
`joy` | shorthand for `pad₀`
`ξ` | random number on [0, 1), resampled every time the expression is used
`screenWidth` | The width of the main screen, in pixels
`screenHeight` | The height of the main screen, in pixels
The main-loop variable `τ` is time, as integer number of frames. It may be reassigned
to reset time and is a built-in object, but is not an operator.
Because many of the characters used in nano operators and built-in objects do not appear on
standard keyboards, there are two special text entry methods available in the development
environment. (You can also copy and paste characters from other programs or documentation.)
The Symbols panel marked with "ξ½≤" at the top of the editor brings up a virtual keyboard
for entering these symbols. The tool tips on those buttons also explain the use of each.
The editor automatically replaces certain typed sequences with their corresponding character
as well ("autocorrect"). The list of replacements is:
Sequence | Replacement
`\Delta` |`Δ`
`\alpha` |`α`
`\beta` |`β`
`\gamma` |`γ`
`\delta` |`δ`
`\epsilon` |`ε`
`\zeta` |`ζ`
`\eta` |`η`
`\theta` |`θ`
`\iota` |`ι`
`\lambda` |`λ`
`\mu` |`μ`
`\rho` |`ρ`
`\sigma` |`σ`
`\phi` |`ϕ`
`\chi` |`χ`
`\psi` |`ψ`
`\omega` |`ω`
`\Omega` |`Ω`
`\tau` |`τ`
`\time` |`τ`
`\xi` |`ξ`
`\rnd` |`ξ`
`==` |`≟`
`?=` |`≟`
`!=` |`≠`
`\neq` |`≠`
`\eq` |`≟`
`\not` |`¬`
`\leq` |`≤`
`<=` |`≤`
`\geq` |`≥`
`>=` |`≥`
`>>` |`▻`
`<<` |`◅`
`\bitand` |`∩`
`\bitor` |`∪`
`\bitxor` |`⊕`
`\pi` |`π`
`\infty` |`∞`
`\nil` |`∅`
`\half` |`½`
`\third` |`⅓`
`\quarter` |`¼`
`\fifth` |`⅕`
`sixth` |`⅙`
`seventh` |`⅐`
`eighth` |`⅛`
`ninth` |`⅑`
`tenth` |`⅒'`
`\lfloor` |`⌊`
`\rfloor` |`⌋`
`\lceil` |`⌈`
`\rceil` |`⌉`
The gamepad objects in the `pad` array, or `joy` variable (which is equal to `pad[0]`) have
the following fields:
Field | Values | Meaning
`x` | -1,0,+1 | Current D-pad value on the $x$-axis (+1 = right)
`xx` | -1,0,+1 | Direction that was just pressed this frame on the $x$-axis
`y` | -1,0,+1 | Current D-pad value on the $y$-axis (+1 = forward)
`yy` | -1,0,+1 | Direction that was just pressed this frame on the $y$-axis
`θ` | -π to +π | `atan(y, x)`
`a` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the A button is currently pressed
`aa` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the A button was just pressed this frame
`b` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the B button is currently pressed
`bb` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the B button was just pressed this frame
`c` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the C button is currently pressed
`cc` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the C button was just pressed this frame
`d` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the D button is currently pressed
`dd` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the D button was just pressed this frame
`s` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the start button is currently pressed
`ss` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the start button was just pressed this frame
The mouse object has the following fields:
Field | Values | Meaning
`x` | [0..63] | Current pointer position on the $x$-axis
`y` | [0..63] | Current pointer position on the $y$-axis
`l` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the primary button (usually left) is currently pressed
`ll` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the primary button was just pressed this frame
`m` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the auxiliary button (usually middle/mouse wheel) is currently pressed
`mm` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the auxiliary button was just pressed this frame
`r` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the secondary button (usually right) is currently pressed
`rr` | 0 or 1 | 1 if the secondary button was just pressed this frame
Caution: the secondary button might bring up the browser context menu, this might also cause
this button's state to be faulty.
mouse usage example code:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ C++ linenumbers
#nanojam mouse,1
Flow Control
The flow control statements are:
- `if` conditional with optional `else` and `elif` clauses
- `while` loop
- `until` loop
- `for` loop, with optional `with` expansion
- `loop` infinite loop
- `break` and `cont` within loops
- `reset` to restart the game
There is no switch, do loop, goto, try/catch, or other flow control.
Whitespace is significant, as in Python. Indentation must be exactly a single space per nested
For flow control purposes, the empty string, 0, and `∅` are false. All other objects
(including empty data structures) are true.
The entire program is implicitly wrapped in an infinite loop. This loop:
1. shows the buffer
2. clears the screen to colour `clr` (set `clr=∅` to avoid clearing the screen)
3. increments `τ`
Explicitly setting `τ=0` within the main loop resets the game on the next loop iteration.
There is no way to reset the game on the first iteration.
Within any loop, `cont` skips to the next iteration of the loop and `break` exits the loop.
Because the entire program has an implicit time loop surrounding it, executing `cont` at the
top level outside of any explicit loop will skip to the next `τ` loop iteration. `break` at
top level will restart the entire program at `τ=0` with the default palette and clear color.
Multi-line `if` statements may be followed by `else` and `elif` clauses. These must always be
Numeric `for` loops increment by 1 each iteration and always count up. The loop variable must
be on the left-side of a single comparison loop expression or the center of a multi-comparison
Container iteration `for` loops iterate over the keys of a table, the characters of a string,
or the elements of an array _as of the beginning of the loop_. If the container is modified
during iteration, the original is still used. That means that you can delete elements from the array
without affecting the iteration. The Java/C++ equivalents of nano `for`-loop conditions
nano | Java/C++
`for i≤k` | `for (i = 0; i <= k; ++i)`
`for i<k` | `for (i = 0; i < k; ++i)`
`for 4≤i<k` | `for (i = 4; i < k; ++i)`
`for 4<i<k` | `for (i = 5; i < k; ++i)`
`for x∈S` | `for (x : S)`
You can pack a `for` and `with` statement together by chaining `∈` expressions, in what
is called a `for`-`with` loop:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JavaScript
for x,y ∈ point ∈ set
is the same as:
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JavaScript
for point ∈ set
with x,y ∈ point
The `for`-loop variable (in this case, `point`) cannot be the same as any of the `with`
variables (in this case, `x` and `y`).
The comparison operators in a `for` loop declaration are an overloaded syntax for comparison
operators (just as many languages overload the `=` operator for `for` loops). They have
the lowest precedence. For example, `for i<a||b` is equivalent to `for i<(a||b)`.
To use regular comparison operators within `for` loop preamble, you *must* use parentheses to
make the parsing unambiguous, for example, `for i<(a<b)`.
Single-line `for`, `if`, `while`, and `until` are permitted. In each case, the test must be
enclosed in parentheses and the body runs to the end of the line. There can be multiple
single-line expressions on the same line. No `else` is permitted with single-line `if`.
The following are unconditional statements:
- `show`: Show the current state of the framebuffer and update `pad`. Does not clear the screen.
- `wait`: Show the framebuffer and update `pad` until a gamepad button (not direction) is pressed.
They are not functions and cannot be bound to variables or invoked with parentheses.
`show` and `wait` are not permitted inside `fcn` blocks.
`flip` is a legacy synonym for `show`.
Standard Library
Standard library functions are first-class values. They can be stored in data structures and
: Append `x` to the array. O(1) expected amortized time.
: Delete element `i` from the array, preserving order. O(n) expected time.
: Find the index of the element whose value is `x`, starting at optional index `i` (default 0).
Returns `∅` if not found. O(n)
: Delete element `i` from the array, swapping it with the last element. O(1) expected amortized time.
: Set or get the length of the array. O(1) time to read, O(n) amortized time to write.
: Delete the first instance of `x` in the array, maintaining order. O(n) time in the length of the array.
Does nothing if `x` is not in the array.
: Sort the array from least to greatest. If `k` is a string, then elements of the array are
assumed to be objects and are sorted by that key. If `k` is a number, then elements of the
array are assumed to be other arrays and are sorted by that index. If `k` is not specified
and the array contains objects, then elements are sorted by their alphabetically-first
key. If `k` is not specified and the array contains numbers or strings, then they are sorted
by natural order.
: Find the index of the substring whose value is `x`, starting at optional index `i` (default 0).
Returns `∅` if not found. O(n) time.
: Get the length of the string. O(1) time.
: Return the substring between `s` (inclusive) and optional `e` (exclusive, defaults to length).
: Remove a key-value pair by key. Does nothing if `k` is not in the table.
Use `table[k] ≠ ∅` to test for containment explicitly.
: An Array of the keys.
: The length of the table (read only).
: Invoke function `f` with arguments `a`, `b`, etc.
: Absolute value
: Inverse cosine in radians
`atan(y, x)`
: Arctangent of y/x, in radians
: Inverse sine in radians
: Cosine, `x` in radians
: A hash value of string or number `x`, returning a value on [0, 1].
If `y` is specified, the hash considers the union of the values.
: Returns `a*(1-t)+b*t`
: Smallest of the arguments
: Largest of the arguments
: Middle argument once sorted. Can be used for clamping.
: Value noise on the range [-1, 1], bicubically interpolated between integer locations at
octave 0. Unused dimensions default to zero.
: Assumes that `A` and `B` are tables of the form `{pos:vec(x,y), ext:vec(hw,hh)}` where
`hw` and `hh` are the half-width and half-height of a rectangle centered at `(x,y)`.
Returns true if those rectangles overlap.
: Exponent. See also the `^` operator.
: Random number. See also the `ξ` operator.
: Sign of `x`.
: Square root.
: Sine of `x` radians.
: Reset the random number generator, using an optional seed.
: Tangent of `x` radians.
: Creates a mutable 2D or 3D vector (`z` is optional) table that cannot have extra keys
added to it later.
: Real-number modulus. Wraps `x` to the range [0, `hi`). `hi` defaults to `1.0` if not specified.
: Play sound `n`.
: Clear the screen to colour `c`. Unlike all other rendering commands,
requires a colour argument and does not set the current colour to `c`.
Obeys the clipping region.
: Draw a circle centered at (`Ax`, `Ay`) with radius `r`.
: Set the clipping region to these coordinates. Unspecified values retain their
current value. Coordinates are clamped to the physical screen. The initial
clipping region in default 64x64 resolution is `clip(0,0,63,63)`, and
`clip()` resets to this default. Values are rounded to the nearest integer
and the min and max are taken, so the order of `y2` and `y1` and of `x1`
and `x2` does not matter. It is impossible to set a clipping region smaller than
1x1 pixels. The clipping region for the top bar screen is `clip(0,0,-12,-4)`.
The clipping region of the entire screen together is `clip(0,-12,63,63)`.
The clipping region is not affected by `xform`. Higher resolutions are scaled
: Draw sprite with index `s` centered at (`x`, `y`), remapping sprite colours by 4-digit
`colourmap` and transforming by `flips`. See the Sprites section for more information.
The result is undefined and may change between versions for the cases where `s` is less than
zero or greater than 127. `s` may also be a sprite created by `sprget` or `sprscale`,
in which case `colourmap` is ignored.
: Same as `rgb(v,v,v,x,y)`
: Return the colour closest to the hue-saturate-value specification, which are each on [0, 1].
If `x` and `y` are specified, apply a dithering pattern based on the pixel position.
: Draw a line from (`Ax`, `Ay`) to (`Bx`, `By`) using the 1-digit colourmap.
: Get the screen colour of pixel (`x`, `y`). Returns `∅` if out of bounds of the clipping region.
The area between the main screen and the bar screen exists in the framebuffer and can be
read back using `pget` if the clipping region includes it.
: Sets the draw palette colours 1-8 from the 12-digit palette. See the Colours section for details.
With no arguments, resets to the default palette.
: Set the colour of pixel (`x`, `y`) to colour `c` (*not* a colourmap). If `c` is not
specified, use the previous colour.
: Set the previous colour to `c` (*not* a colourmap) and draw a single pixel offscreen.
: Draw the rectangle from any two points. The 2-digit `colourmap` is the fill and the border.
: Return the colour closest to (`r`,`g`,`b`), which are each on [0, 1].
If `x` and `y` are specified, apply a dithering pattern based on the pixel position.
: Get a sprite from the screen. Values offscreen become transparent. Ignores the current
`clip` and `xform`. The `t` value if specified is the color that will be treated as
: Return a new sprite that is `spr` rescaled by a `scale` factor in each dimension,
which must be `1/4`, `1/2`, `1`, `2`, or `4`. The `quality` is an optional integer from
`0` (fastest) to `1` (best). The default quality is 0.
: Print string `s` centered at (`x`, `y`) using the 2-digit colourmap. The first digit (1's
place) is the text colour, the second digit (10's place) is the shadow colour, and the third
digit (100's place) is the outline colour. The second digit is handled differently for other
commands. 0 means transparent instead of "previous colour" so that single-digit colourmaps
render text with no outline or shadow. If only `s` is provided, `text` defaults to drawing
in the center of the top of the screen in the previous color. `align` specifies the relative
alignment of the string to (`x`, `y`). Compute it as $u + 4v$, where $u$ is the x-alignment
of 0 = left, 1 = center, 2 = right; and $v$ is the y-alignment of 0 = top, 1 = middle, 2 =
baseline, 3 = bottom. If unspecified, the default alignment is 5 = center, middle.
The current nano font has the baseline at the bottom, so there is no difference between
$v=2$ and $v=3$.
: Draw the triangle using the 2-digit colourmap for fill and border.
: Set the transformation applied to all draw coordinates and `pget`. The default transform
is (0, 0). The scale parameters must be +1 or -1 and are primarily intended for flipping the
Y axis. Scaling affects the location of sprites and text but not their own axes; text will
always render right side up. `xform()` resets to the default transformation.
The default colourmap is 0, which corresponds to the colour from the previous command.
Borders are drawn inside shape coordinate boundaries and on top of fills, so a transparent
border is identical to a border that is the same colour as the fill. Shapes include their
endpoints and borders.
Pixel centers are at integer locations. That is, pixel (0,0) covers (-½, -½) to (½, ½).
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JavaScript
#nanojam Text Style,1
[Text styling options]

### Colours
The nano can display 32 different *colours*. The first 16 colours follow the order of the [PICO-8](https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php) colours by
Joseph White, but are shifted slightly towards [DawnBringer's DB16](http://pixeljoint.com/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=12795) and tweaked
to give a better grayscale. The second 16 colours fill some holes between them and add the original Gameboy palette.