This is the design document for a game jam I completed in quadplay✜ with one of my children over two months. I share my design docs and change logs to help demonstrate process for folks learning game and software development. Play the final version online. It is best with multiple players and controllers.
Setting: Broken-down mechs in a world reclaimed by nature
Pitch: RoboRally meets Dominion
Goal: Race and battle
Mechanics: Real-time, turn-based programming: moving is a puzzle and every second is a potential turn
1 Reward Cycles
2 Mechanics
2.1 Turn Based
2.2 Actions
2.3 Instructions
2.4 Difficulty Levels
3 Coordinate System
4 Post Analysis
5 Change Log
5.1 S1: Original design
5.2 S2: Simplify
5.3 S3: Simplify More
5.4 S4: Graphics
5.5 S5: Turn Order
5.6 S6: Hex Math
5.7 S7: Instructions
5.8 S8: Hand
5.9 S9: Modifiers
5.10 S10: 2P playtest
5.11 S11: Conveyor Belts
5.12 S12: Handicaps
5.13 S14: UI Cleanup
5.14 S14: Race Maps
5.15 S15: New Race Maps
5.16 S16: Polish and Bug Fixing
5.17 S17: Fire
5.18 S18: Conveyor Bugfixing
5.19 S19: Max Difficulty
5.20 S20: Battle Design
5.21 S21: Sprint
5.22 S22: Battle Testing
5.23 S23: Tuning Weapons
5.24 S24: Polish
5.25 S25: Battle Map Tuning
5.26 S26: More Polish
From smallest to largest:
Each player has an instruction_queue
of instructions to execute.
All instructions take “1 turn” = INSTRUCTION_FRAMES
. The player
also tracks the future_hex_angle
that it will be at after the
queue has completed. This is used to compile absolute ACTIONs into
relative rotation INSTRUCTIONs, where the ACTIONs can be compiled at
any point.
All UI only ever requires horizontal input and a single button, including menus.
Although it feels slow real-time, the game is entirely turn based. This keeps the mechanics simple and makes it fair. The real-time feel comes from several key design decisions:
The hex-based movement and “real-time” turn-based gameplay are elements that I definitely want to re-use in future games. They're a great way to bring board game ideas into an arcade video game.
Target duration is 10s-1min from launch to actual gameplay, 4 minutes of play for a race game, and 6 minutes of play for a battle game.
Action | Compiles To |
Movement | ROT and MOV |
0x, −1x, 2x | Changes the number of MOV instructions |
Spin arrow | Changes the number of ROT instructions |
Forward arrow | MOV in the current direction |
Burn | SPRAY |
Freeze | SPRAY |
Instruction | op | Parameters | Notes |
Rotate | ROT | sign : +/- 1 | |
Translate | MOV | sign : +/- 1 | Assumes current direction, plays motor sound. Blockable |
Conveyor | CON | none | No motor sound. Blockable |
Spray | SPRAY | type : action_sprite.burn or freeze |
Level | First turn | Reduced duplicates? | Modifiers | Instructions | Evt. Penalty | Evt. Recovery | Score Handicap |
0 | Away from spawn | Yes | 2 (0x & −1x) | Cardinals, 0x, −1x, 2x | 1 reg | 10% | +200% |
1 | Cardinals | Yes | 2 random | Cardinals, 0x, −1x, 2x | 2 reg | 10% | +150% |
2 | Cardinals | Yes | 1-3 random | Cardinals, 0x, −1x, 2x | 2 reg | 10% | +100% |
3 | Cardinals | No | 0-3 random | Cardinals, 0x, −1x, 2x, forward | 2 reg | 5% | +50% |
4 | Cardinals | No | 0-3 random | Cardinals, 0x, −1x, 2x, forward, rotate mods | 2 reg | 5% | +0% |
The specific registers affected by environmental damage are predictable so that players can plan around them. Water damages the two (or 1 for level 0) central registers. Fire damages the leftmost two (or 1 for level 0) registers.
“Pointy-up” hexes with directions northeast, east, southeast, southwest, west, and northwest. 32×32 tiles, where due to shifting each offset row is 24 pixels above its predecessor. Cheat the perspective to use 2:1 slopes on the diagonals of the hex. Borders abut unstead of overlapping. Allows exactly fitting the 384×224 screen and easy coordinate transformations, compatible with Tiled TMX maps as well.
Most of the game runs in hex coordinates using the axial method and
The world-space pixel (0, 0)
is at the lower-left of the screen,
which corresponds to the center of a hex in the last row of the map.
The coordinate system math and hex map rendering is in
Reflecting on the game at this point: Beyond Control is now feature complete and “done” from a game jam perspective. I cut the Quest game type for now. Battle and Race are fully implemented and have been playtested a bit.
It needs a ton of polish on art, sound effects, and especially UI animations. I came in around the time limit that I was looking for of “three day jam”, but it was spread over three-plus weeks because of extenuating circumstances and schedules that prevented me from actually coding very long on any given day.
The scope is kind of aggressive for a jam game at my desired level of completion, but it worked. I'm very happy that I succeeded in my primary goal, which was making RoboRally more fun and intuitive for players like me who can't deal with either its pacing or the rotation confusion.
The secondary goals of making a video game that works like a real-time boardgame mechanically and that uses hex grids were also achieved. The in-game atmosphere in sound and visuals don't live up to my goals of “city ruins uplifitingly reclaimed by nature”, although the title screen does deliver that acceptably. It satisfies the “out of control” GMTK'20 prompt fully and more-or-less makes that partial loss of control an interesting puzzle instead of a frustration.
I rate this game a solid B for an experienced developer's jam game, where I think our previous Ludum Dare Across the Lake was an A.
Quadplay made this game possible. I don't think I could have achieved it within the time constraints using any other engine right now. The transition to hex coordinates worked extremely well because the quadplay resolution and math libraries anticipated alternative schemes. Having Tiled as a map editor made it easy to create lots of maps.
Built-in sprite rotation and scaling were great, and there was plenty of performance for me to just brute force the graphics and computation. I never optimized anything except the core hex routines. That wasn't even necessary; it was anticipating future reuse. The map preview rendering is all handled with the camera feature and greatly simplified the minimap “icons”. I thought I was going to have to offline generate the minimap images by hand, and instead I just brute force rendered multiple maps with extreme zoom at runtime and it worked.
I used quadplay's delay()
, sequence()
, and mode features heavily for animation and UI.
They made it really simple to do things that could have required lots of ugly, buggy code.
This was a big deal and enabled me for the first time to do a lot of UI and UI animation
for a jam game.
I was bitten by checking in the DEBUG
flag and other debugging options a few times. That
happens on every jam. The upcoming debug constant layer for quadplay will address this
and I can't wait to have that. I used the new CSV file import and in-IDE sprite JSON editing.
The CSV import was convienient, although I could have used JSON or a code generator if
needed. The sprite JSON editing is still not fully supported in quadplay's IDE. It was
just good enough to use, but the 1.0 version will be very welcome. IDE search-and-replace in
files will be handy. I fell back to using grep
and emacs during some refactoring at the end.
So, no new engine or IDE feature requests from this game, for the first time...just eager
anticipation of the 1.0 features already on the quadplay roadmap.
In terms of workflow, even with diminished resources my standard practice of journaling and
maintaining a bare-bones game design doc worked well. Actually, it helped a lot with
diminished resources because I was able to do most of the design work “offline” and didn't
have to spend much cognition remembering or planning while programming. I put a lot more
into the quadplay todo()
system than the design doc for actual TODO lists and that was
both effective and motivating.
Photoshop + Audacity + ImageOptim + Tiled were fine tools as always and interacted well with the IDE. git was adequate in this case and I never got bitten by anything with it, probably because there were only two of us.
I should have chosen a single area of focus instead of two. I had an aggressive gameplay/mechanic idea and a strong thematic vision. Because I ultimately had to choose between them, I executed on the gameplay but did not succeed with the theme. It would have been better to adopt existing assets almost entirely (although good hex assets are tough to find) or use an abstract theme instead of splitting my efforts over two areas. Or, if I had teamed up with someone working exclusively on sound and art, then maybe it would have been viable to try and excel in two areas at once.
The scope was a little large for a jam. I think I should pull back more next time. I'm not going to beat myself up over it because I wanted something a little less casual and did pull that off. But more casual and then polished as a result definitely leaves me more satisfied at the end of a jam (hence my “Casual + Effects” handle.)
In terms of positioning for a jam game, this is acceptable, but not great. It can be played in a browser, supports single player, and requires no backstory or instructions. Those are all good. But it takes 15 minutes to really appreciate and is best with two or more players. An ideal jam game could be appreciated in 5 minutes with a single player.
Special thanks to the quadplay community for support and suggestions, and especially Stephan Steinbach for suggesting the UI design pattern and axial hex coordinates.
The game size is 728 statements, 16 sounds, and 606k pixels. “Statements” in quadplay are a reasonable measure of code complexity that excludes comments and standard libraries, collapses multi-line expressions, and excludes some syntax such as function definition and local scope lines. Pixels include font sheets.
Each session is 90-120 min of programming or art. Time spent thinking about the design and documenting it between sessions is not recorded.
Working Title: “Slowbots”
Setting: Robot factory floor battle arena.
Pitch: Roborally meets Gloomhaven.
Goal: Be the last robot standing.
Mechanic: Real-time turn based programming: every 1s is a potential turn.
You have a hand of two cards, each with one symbol on the top and one symbol the bottom (like Gloomhaven). Symbols are move, rotate left, rotate right, shoot, push button, etc.
Your actions:
When you've played your deck, they reshuffle.
You can pick up new cards in the arena (like Dominion, use this for deck control).
There are bridges, pits, conveyor belts, lasers, etc. on the factory floor.
(At least, I think that Gloomhaven has the cards with two actions mechanic.)
New design: "RoboRally meets puzzle swapping”.
The icons for actions rotate to match the alignment that they will be in if this stream is chosen. They are also colored to provide some consistency while they're rotating and help make them readable.
I've implemented the UI for this, including the relative rotation of upcoming actions in the stream.
The advantage of a design that uses rotate actions is that they make the move actions frequently useful (e.g., if you're trying to go to the left, then you can usually avoid being forced to ever choose to turn 180 from your desired path, although you might wiggle a lot). The disadvantage is that they make all following actions relative. That requires extra animation and is a lot harder for the player to think about than absolute directions. I suspect that I'll end up using absolute directions to simplify further.
I've switched to absolute directions now to simplify the implementation and UI by removing all of the icon rotation.
I initially made square grid absolute movements, but then realized that a hexgrid helps reduce the “most absolute directions are not the way I want to go” problem. (I'm always eager for an excuse to use a hex grid, because it looks cool.)
With four cardinal directions, 25% of the directions have a dot product that is positive with a desired direction. With six cardinal directions, 50% of the directions have a positive dot product. This doubles the chance that the player can move in a direction that they want to (roughly). Because players will always have the choice of two directions, this increases the chance of moving in a desired direction from (100% - 75%2) = 43% with a square grid to (100% - 50%2) = 75% with a hex grid.
In switching to hex icons, I removed the borders (which got large and ugly as hexagons) and changed to colored icons with black borders. This gives a distinctive silhouette and color to each icon, as well as making them smaller, so it has several graphical advantages.
At 32×32 with 2:1 slopes on the diagonals, point-up hexagons look better to me than point-sideways ones (with 1:1 slopes on the diagonals, point-sideways looks better). So, I'm rotating my icons 90°.
For the actual game tiles, there are two ways to draw hex tile as pixel art. If the borders will fit together and overlap outlines, then 3-pixel points at 31×32 pixels make the right shape. If the tiles will be adjacent without overlap, then 32×32 tiles with 2-pixel points (where each offset row is 24 pixels high) are the right shape. This works particularly well when the borders are either shaded or there are no borders, and provides an integer tiling of the quadplay screen.
I drew two robots and some hexagons, and wired up the basics of a static graphics display. Tiled can handle hexagonal maps with a little bit of tweaking, and while quadplay can't run the optimized map rendering with them, it can still handle this simple scene in 1.8ms (on a MacBook Pro), so I think I can get away with the explicit map rendering.
Nothing here is live. The next big step will be figuring out how to animate both the UI and the robots in an elegant way. I don't want to maintain a lot of state just for animations, so would like to figure out a general mechanism for making objects transition “on the beat” of the global clock.
In RoboRally, turns for players are taken in order of distance from a central spot, and then all board elements activate.
I want the game to feel almost like a rhythm game, with player turns happening at a slow, steady cadence. So, I can't change the turn order between turns. But I want board activations (especially conveyor belts) to feel consistent. I can't simply run them between players or they'd happen twice before players have a chance to interact again (in 2 player mode), and if they run after a specific player, then they would be biased in the turn order.
A solution for 2-player is to say that the turn order is always:
This brings back the earlier notion of planning ahead a bit and using a “hand”.
This could be extended to higher numbers of operations and players, but the board is not very large and the strings of actions would get long and less casual.
I'll show the player two pairs of operations. They select each to fill registers by the end of the selection time, and then these execute and the next three come.
I also shifted the board by 1/2 a hex so that the minimal space is spent on boundary hexes. For 32×32 hexes, I can fit 12×9 hexes fully on screen at 384×224, with a visible boundary around them.
I implemented the coordinate system mappings between pixels, hexes, and map offset coords; as well as between screen/world-space angles and hex-space angles; hex-snapping; and the hex-angle to hex-direction function.
Robots can now be specified with a hex_pos
and hex_angle
the world-space values are computed from them every frame. This allows
the mechanics and animation space to be all hex and the world-space
coordinates used for rendering only.
I used as a resource but still had to do a lot of adjustment for my axes and pixel scaling.
Currently at 76 statements, 0 sounds, 42k pixels
I adopted a RoboRally theme to get started, but if the gameplay turns out to be fun I think I want to move away from the industrial setting and combat goal. I'm thinking about a pretty, nature-returns ruined city (ala Last of Us, 12 Monkeys, Crysis).
The players are coop, slow real-time programming (slow-gramming!) mechs that have wonky broken controls because they are old. The goal is to gather specific resources, rescue people, or solve problems in each scene vignette. You come in on a train, run around a scene doing stuff, and then get back on the train and ride it to the next scene. Also sort of Into The Breach feeling in terms of small, pretty areas with diverse tasks, and being upbeat despite the depressing setting.
I considered a lot of different ways of handling turn taking. The challenges are:
After thinking through a lot of alternatives, I decided to try the following, dead-simple solution first:
The above simulation shows that the velocity appears variable on the left
and constant on the right. I like the right better, which matches the new plan.
The only undesirable aspects are that the time between moves may be inconsistent across
levels and that depending on turn order, A
can drive right behind B
but B
must be 2 hexes behind A
I implemented the compilation of actions into instructions that run once per player turn. There is still no checking of whether the actions are legal, and very little graphical feedback of what is going on with the queues.
Now at 103 statements, 0 sounds, 42k pixels.
Two players taking turns is ok. More players may feel stunted, like there is too long of a wait between moves. Right now the main problem is that there is too little strategy. I basically just choose whichever direction isn't opposite my goal, hoping to eventually wander over there. Instead there should be more strategy in the movement itself; if there's an obvious algorithm for the “optimal” move it isn't interesting.
Some ideas:
Now at 108 statements, 0 sounds, 53k pixels.
Implemented a “hand” of cards, where the player chooses the order to execute them before being dealt a new hand. This leads to Dominion-like play, where there's something to think about. The RoboRally-style bookkeeping should be reduced by taking the actions immediately.
data structure for the hand
Game size is 123 statements, 0 sounds, 53k pixels.
⟶ player.status_array
, "off"
, and "used"
for modifiers and "available"
and "used"
for other actions
Game size is 184 statements, 0 sounds, 63k pixels
Playtest feedback:
Playtest followup:
Now at 218 statements, 0 sounds, 102k pixels
Now my goal is to ensure that basic movement is engaging for everyone. If moving the characters around is achievable without frustratio but still challenging enough to be interesting, then I can add puzzles as the next larger reward cycle and it will enhance the game.
Further playtest feedback:
if not (player.instruction_queue[0] default {}).is_conveyor and not (player.instruction_queue[1] default {}).is_conveyor
, insert a conveyor instruction after instruction 0 (or at 0 if there is no other instruction)
Game size is now 242 statements, 0 sounds, 147k pixels.
Runtime cost is low (MacBook Pro): Framerate 60Hz (1×); 4.2ms Total = 1.8ms CPU + 0.0ms Phys + 2.4ms GPU
Add handicaps:
I've been playtesting up to three players (I don't have four available right now) in race mode and the game seems viable. I've flushed and fixed a few bugs but there are no major complaints any more about the UI or controls...mostly the players want handicaps (just added) and new maps.
I changed from the working title of “Slowbots” to “Out of Control” as a real title.
Game size is now 294 statements, 0 sounds, 310k pixels
I changed the name to “Beyond Control”. I think “Beyond” is stronger and more unique than “Out of” and better evokes exploration and a (pretty) post-apocalyptic world.
Playtest feedback:
so that it is a little easier to use
Game size is now 429 statements, 1 sounds, 561k pixels.
Game size is 450 statements, 1 sounds, 735k pixels.
The current set of race maps:
Game size is now 470 statements, 1 sounds, 809k pixels.
menu use a cursor just like the other menus
I expected to playtest for the new map layouts. But the playtest flushed a number of bugs that only occur in multiplayer or after completing and then restarting a map.
The “Rematch” option currently causes the previous player to immediately win on the same map (or maybe any map with the flag in the same position?)
On loading a new map, the conveyor belts and blockers do not work consistently.
...the bug turned out to be not clearing the entity_array
on game
start. The entity_array
has the contents of the player_array
as well
as any NPCs (which don't yet exist), and I forgot to erase it.
More playtest results:
, etc. so that “hot” and “wet” can be used everywhere
instead of “fire”, “water”, “wetness”, etc.
The forward instruction proved remarkably simple to implement.
To draw it in the UI, I just substitute a rotated sprite where I round
the future_hex_angle
to the nearest 45°. That automatically snaps
60° to 45°. To compile it, I just issue a MOV
on the robot, which is already a relative motion—the absolute motion
is produced by extra ROT
instructions, which I just ignore in this case.
I'm looking for the conveyor belt bug. It seems that in some situations the conveyor affects the robot one turn after it has moved on, and in other situations it ignores the robot altogether.
The delayed conveyor belt bug was caused by having a 2-hex direction specified for the southwest direction instead of a 1-hex value. I haven't been able to reproduce the other conveyor bug. I debugged this by printing all of the state in the conveyor belt logic right when it executes.
I've been tweaking graphics and fixing bugs primarily during this session, but added a few features that were long planned and only needed a few lines of code each.
Game size is now 576 statements, 10 sounds, 367k pixels. Previous pixel counts were incorrect due to a double-counting bug in the resource stats that is now fixed.
Design ideas for Battle and Quest games:
☑ Implement pits
☑ player.enabled
state that can be used to temporarily
hide a player and prevent UI
☑ Store spawn location at map start
☑ Color spawn locations using draw_poly(..., player.color)
so that
players will know where they're going to teleport back to
☑ Animate falling down the pit with sequence()
☑ Sound effect
☑ Draw additional broken and overgrown pavement tiles
Game size is now 614 statements, 11 sounds, 394k pixels.
I note that the game has increased about 3x in “size” since it was first playable, which means that 2/3 of the assets and code are polish rather than core mechanics.
I'm now trying to wrap up the game in a complete state in order to consider it done. I'm hitting the end of the virtual 3-day jam timeframe (20 sessions x 90-120 min = 30-40 hours of development), and GMTK 2020 would have given me about that much development time had I been in a position to do it all at once instead of a short period each day due to my schedule this year.
The biggest concession to time is that I've cut Quest mode, although I hope to return to it in the future for polish. I'd very much like to redo most of the in-game art or connect with a real pixel artist for that, which would be another good post-completion polish pass.
New in this session:
and break
in a loop)
for movement and spraying, and within 2 SPRAY_RANGE
for both spraying
Game size is now 641 statements, 11 sounds, 396k pixels.
Battle mode was a little too hard. I found myself trying to waste all of the actions to get another attack modifier. I increased the chance of an attack modifier to 100%, but it still wasn't enough (especially because there are TWO types, and sometimes you get one that you can't use in that situation).
This still wasn't enough. So, I made the attack modifiers replace a move action instead of a modifier. This increases the chance of being able to do something useful because eliminating moves decreases the time until a new set of moves is available. I also increased the width and length of the cone (by accident, although it seems like a good idea if weapons are underpowered).
I'm now switching the weapon to the last slot instead of the first and making it fire after the move instead of before. This resolves the issue of whether you can use attacks in water: you can't, because you lose that slot.
If this is still too hard, then I might have to either extend the hand size or have weapon modifiers restock themselves rather than waiting for a new set of actions.
After playtesting, it is still too hard to use weapons and move in battle mode. In response, I gave all players the low-difficulty set of starting moves (which are towards the center of the board) in battle mode and made the weapon modifier automatically restock every 32 turns even if the actions aren't all used. This is about once every 8 seconds. I suspect that I'm going to have to increase the hand limit to 7 in battle mode, but I'm going to playtest more first because that requires touching a lot of code.
because they were compiled
instead of the current_map_sprite
, which meant that they were detected
before the actal state was set.New Features
Make weapons fire both before AND after movement/turn. This makes them
easier to use and increases chaos. I reduced the SPRAY_RANGE
by 1
because this would otherwise allow one attack to cover about 1/4 of the entire
map of hexes due to the rotation in between.
Battle mode is now feature complete...the game is feature complete!
Game size is 719 statements, 16 sounds, 606k pixels.
in the sprite.json!)
Game size is 747 statements, 20 sounds, 606k pixels.
During battle map playtesting we found that for 2-player battles it is very important to have a short distance from spawn to end zone in order to keep players engaged with each other. We moved the end zone closer to the spawns and added more conveyor belts in most maps to enhance this. We also added a few more specific blocking walls to protect spawns, and removed some to make it easier to reach the end zone.
Players wanted a faster way to input on battle mode, so I made the cursor wrap around the action bar.
To prevent turtling on the endzone in battle mode and help with handicapping, we changed the scoring to only awarding points when the player moves onto a goal square rather than the entire time the player is there. This forces a player in the end zone to keep moving. We made the amount of points awarded per move scale up as difficulty goes down, so that less-good players have an advantage.
During playtesting we tuned the base score per move down from 15% to 5%, which seemed good for level 4 and 5 players.
Game size is now 767 statements, 19 sounds, 606k pixels
I made another pass over the code. I removed about 20 statements through abstraction and IDE constants, and removed vestigial debugging paths.
Another 20 statements can be removed by moving the entire “vapor” sprite particle system into the quadplay general particle system script. I don't plan to do that right now because it will involve refactoring other games that use it, but I think it would be a great way to expand the utility of that system in the near future.
Game size is 764 statements, 25 sounds, 606k pixels.