**Computational Graphics Pronunciation Guide**
2016 March 6
Updated 2020 August 6
It is hard to know the accepted English pronunciation of technical
terms that you've only read, or are either unfamiliar with the
language from which they come or are not a native English
(And I have a lot of sympathy--I've been working with minimal
success for years on my own pronunciation and accent in languages that
are new to me.)
My first/"native" language is American English. I have had the benefit of
several mentors with impeccable academic grammar and pronunciation,
and the fortune to have the pronunciation feedback of native speakers
in various languages for important historical figures and terms from
I'm passing on what I've learned in this guide to terms with
challenging pronunciations that appear in graphics publications
and presentations.
These are also the words I hear colleagues and students mispronouncing
often, plus many suggestions I've received by e-mail and Twitter since
this article was first posted--please send suggestions if you've
encountered others, and corrections where you spot errors.
For what it is worth, I don't personally care how you pronounce these
words and don't police that when it doesn't affect understanding...but
if you asked my _advice_ because you were concerned about
miscommunication or embarrassing yourself, then this is what I would
tell you! Also be aware that language evolves, so the most accepted
pronunciation or grammar can change over time.
Math Words
Here's the current most accepted pronunciation of certain terms when
speaking in [American] English to a technical audience, with the
accented sylable highlighted in the phoenetic version:
- albedo ("al-BEE-doe")
- albeit ("al-BEE-it")
- aliasing ("AIL-ee-ass-ing")
- anisotropic ("ann-eye-so-TRA-pick"), although pronouncing the "tra" as
"troe" is a common regional accent and doesn't sound incorrect to most ears
- antipodes ("ann-TIP-oh-dees") even though the singular,
"antipode" is pronounced "ANTI-pode"!
- Bezier ("bez-ee-YAY")
- bokeh ("BOE-keh"), according to [the inventor](https://luminous-landscape.com/bokeh-in-pictures/) of
the English spelling
- cache ("cash"); the final "e" is silent. Note that the word pronounced "cash-AY" is "cachet,"
which means something completely different. Also consider whether you really meant
"cache" or intended to say "memoize," which is caching without replacement
- de Casteljau ("dee cast-el-JOH")
- Cartesian ("car-tea-ZHEN")
- Cauchy ("co-SHE")
- [Delone](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris_Delaunay) a.k.a. Delaunay ("de-LAWN-ayh") was Russian, not French
(although of French descent). This is how it his name is pronounced by
American academics, but "de-lawn-EH" is more accurate to the
actual Делоне́ name
- Euler ("OY-lur")
- Eulerian ("oy-LAIR-ian")
- Euclidean ("you-KLID-ee-an")
- experiment ("ex-PEAR-ih-ment")
- Fourier ("four-ee-YAY")
- Fresnel ("fren-EL")
- finite ("FINE-ite")
- frustum ("FRUS-tum"). Note that there is only one "r," near the beginning
- GIF ("jif"), like the peanut butter, according to [the inventor](http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/05/23/battle-over-gif-pronunciation-erupts/?_r=0), although the hard-G alternative
not uncommon
- Gouraud ("goo-ROH")
- Hermite ("air-MEET")
- homogeneous ("home-oh-GENE-ee-yus"). The "oh" is "ah" in some regional
- iterative ("IT-ur-uh-tiv"). The last syllable
rhymes with "give"
- iterate ("IT-ur-ate"). The last syllable sounds like the number 8
- infinite ("IN-fin-it"). The middle syllable is what a fish swims with. This is annoyingly
different from the way that "finite" is pronounced!
- Jacobian ("jack-OH-bee-an") pronounced this way in English, although
Jacobi was German, so this word based on his name theoretically _should_ be
pronounced "yak-oh-bee-an"
- [Steve] Jobs ("jahhbs") - as in, having more than one occupation,
_not_ like Job from the Tanakh/Bible
- JPEG ("JAY-peg")
- Kajiya ("kah-GEE-uh")
- Lagrange ("lah-GRONJ"); does _not_ rhyme with "range"
- Lambert ("LAMB-beart"). Lambert was Swiss and this is the Swiss-German pronunciation
(ˈlambɛʁt), while the French pronunciation is ("LAMB-bear"). Either is correct
but the first is more common. "LAMB-burt" is also common, but I believe is not
- Lambertian ("lamb-BUR-shun"). The French version is closer to "LAMB-bear-see-ann"
- Lanczos ("LAWN-sosh") the "cz" sound is the
same one from "tsar/czar", which is between "s" and "z" in
- Lebesgue ("luh-BAYGE")
- moot ("MOO-t"), like a cow
- Mersenne ("mehr-SENN") rhymes with "pen", not with "sane"
- Moiré ("mwah-RAY")
- niche ("neesh"), although "nitch" is often considered acceptable today. Saying it like
"Nietzsche" with two syllables is probably not acceptable anywhere,
- Phong ("Fung") [cited both under his given name Phong that is written last,
and under his family name Bui]
- Poisson ("pwah-SAWN")
- queue ("cue"), like the letter "Q"
- Runge-Kutta ("roon-geh coot-tuh")
- sans serif ("SAHN SAIR-if")
- schema ("SKEE-mah")
- Seidel ("ZAY-del")
- scalar ("SCALE-are")
- spatial ("SPAY-shull")
- SPIR-V ("SPEAR-vee") according to [Neil Henning](https://twitter.com/sheredom)
- SIGGRAPH ("SIG-raff"), rhymes with "pig laugh"
- subsequent ("SUB-seck-went")
- Silicon ("SILL-ih-cahn") the element used in circuits, which is
distinct from rubbery "silicone"
- temporal ("tem-POOR-ull"), but the stress moves between the first and
second syllable depending on regional accent
- Ubisoft ("YOU-bee-soft") according to [the company](http://www.mtv.com/news/2455972/how-to-pronounce-ubisoft-the-official-explanation/)
- Verlet ("vurr-LAY"). The first syllable is like "purr" from a cat
- Voronoi ("VOR-own-oy"). Note that Georgy Voronoy was Russian, not
- vignette ("vin-YET") rhymes with "pin bet"
- Vive ("vie-v") rhymes with "dive"
- Wang [Tiles] ("wong")
- Weta ("WHET-ah"), as in, not dry
Americans tend to move the accents for the French names to the
first syllable, although I'm assured by native French speakers that is
To respond to requests from folks on Twitter, I'm adding my own name and those of
some of my colleagues:
- Morgan McGuire ("MORE-gun mick-WIRE")
- Cem Yuksel ("gem yook-SELL")
- Cyril Crassin ("seer-RILL krass-AWN")
- Szirmay-Kalos Lazlo ("SEER-may kal-owe-sh lazz-low")
Letters and Numbers
The preferred pronunciation of Greek letters
depends on the country in which you are speaking. The common
pronunciation used in American English actually differs significantly
from how the letters would be pronounced in modern Greece itself.
Here are some of the letters that commonly appear in computational graphics
American English:
- Alpha ("al-fah")
- Beta ("bait-ah")
- Gamma ("gam-mah")
- Delta ("del-tah")
- Theta ("they-tah")
- Eta ("ay-tah")
- Lambda ("lamb-dah")
- Mu ("mew")
- Pi ("pie")
- Phi ("fee" or "fie"), the second rhymes with "die"
- Omega ("oh-may-gah" or "oh-me-gah")
Modern Greek:
- Alpha ("al-fah")
- Beta ("vee-ta")
- Gamma ("wram-mah")
- Delta ("thel-tah")
- Theta ("thee-tah")
- Eta ("ee-tah")
- Lambda ("lamb-thah")
- Mu ("me")
- Pi ("pee")
- Phi ("fee")
- Omega ("oh-may-hah")
Letters in the Roman alphabet are pronounced mostly the same in
English in different countries. The one exception is "z" in American
English and UK English.
American English:
- z ("zee")
- number 0 ("zero")
- number 1 ("won")
UK and Canadian English:
- z ("zed")
- number 0 ("zero"), rhymes with "hero", although "nought" is
sometimes used)
- number 1 ("won" or "unity")
Beware that although these numerical terms have been standardized today as
billion = 109 and trillion = 1012, British and
American English historically differed and you could conceivably encounter
ambiguity in reading an old text. "Billion" in British English once meant
mean 1012 and "trillion" once meant
Certain painters occasionally are mentioned in graphics, and expecially
in the field of expressive rendering.
The surname of Vincent van Gogh pronounced correctly in Dutch sounds something like "van-COCK"
to the ears of English speakers. However, British English speakers usually say "van-GOFF"
and American English speakers usually say "van-GOH."
The BBC recommends "van-GOCK."
Old master Tiziano Vecelli is referred to as "Titian" in English, which is
pronounced "TISH-en."
Dutch nonrepresentational painter Piet Mondrian's surname is usually pronounced
"mon-DREE-ahn" in English by art historians.
French impressionist Auguste Renoir's surname is pronounced "ren-wah"
with the accent on either syllable, relatively close to the original
French pronunciation. It is sometimes pronounced "ren-WAHR" by
American academics, which is fairly far from the French pronunciation,
but still considered acceptable in those circles.
Bonus Advice
"Vertices" is the plural of "vertex." There is no word "vertice" in
English (or Latin, as far as I know). It is considered acceptable
usage today to use "vertexes" as the plural. The same rules apply to
"index"/"indices" and "matrix"/"matrices".
The word "data" is the plural of "datum." So, you almost always should say
"the data *are*" instead of "the data *is*." Try replacing "data" with
"datums" in your head to hear if your sentence sounds correct. While "data"
is well on its way to becoming singular in common usage due to language drift,
beware that using it that way is discordant to older or linguistically
conservative scientists and engineers.
In everyday usage, art, and anthropology, "artifact" just means
"sign," "evidence," or "thing." In experimental sciences, it means
data that arose because of the measurement or preparation
process. Computer graphics is between art and science in jargon, but either
way, beware that "artifact" doesn't strictly mean "error." I recommend
that you qualify the word when you mean visual error: "_undesirable_ visual artifact,"
or simply say, "error."
Note that it _is_ correct to say something similar to,
"strobing reported by the subject was an artifact of the low frame
rate on the display," or "there are some artifacts from the texture
compression" (if you are using texture compression in the process, but
not if your experiments are on compression itself). It would be confusing
to say "there are some shadow artifacts," which leaves ambiguous whether
that is an error or simply an aspect of the process.
Compound nouns are usually hyphenated in English when using them as
adjectives. This is why we write "this is a 64-bit register"
using a hyphen, but put no hyphen in "the register holds 64 bits."
This rule has [some exceptions](https://www.grammarbook.com/punctuation/hyphens.asp#:~:text=Rule%201.,is%20called%20a%20compound%20adjective.&text=When%20a%20compound%20adjective%20follows,hyphen%20is%20usually%20not%20necessary.),
however, which I only recently learned about myself. They are complicated.
I'm sorry.
After adding an extra "r" to frustum, the most common spelling mistake in graphics might be forgetting that ["tessellation" has two Ls](http://www.realtimerendering.com/blog/do-you-spell-these-two-words-correctly/).
For more general English grammar and spelling advice in technical
documents, I recommend Michael Littman's
[style guide](http://cs.brown.edu/~mlittman/etc/style.html).